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By agreeing with this disclaimer, I hereby acknowledge: 


1) That prior to the use of my UV Medico product, I received its correspondent Technical & Installation Manual (from now on, Manual), as well as the Safety Regulations from UV Medico.

2) That I have read and understood the Manual and are aware of the content of the legal regulations (ISO 15858, ACGIH 2021 TLVs & BEIs) related to the operation and use of my UV Medico product.

3) That I shall follow UV Medico’s recommendations and instructions regarding the programming and use of my product as stated in its Manual throughout the entire installation and use.

4) That I will ensure my direct, indirect, and/or end customer(s) and any persons to whom I transfer the possession/responsibility of the UV Medico product or allow access to its use, is informed and aware of the content of its Manual and all legal regulations as stated in terms above.